Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fixing Bugs

Today the Map Editor got some bug fixes. The main fix was having to do with the way the map displays layers, it was not possible to use one bitmap for all the layers on the map, there are now 6 separate bitmaps for each layer. It is a hard coded fix that I am not fond of, but it was the only way i could get this to work. To add more layers is not that difficult if need, so it is not that big of a deal. The only real down fall is that this way will be 6 times slower for rendering as i have to loop thru the bitmaps to render.

Next on the list is to add the Event/NPC Editor for the Map Editor, and environmental settings. The last layer on the map is for weather, and I plan on adding full weather/day and night system. After those are in place i will add a way to change the current tile set so that every map can use multiple tile sets with settings for fully animated tiles.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Map Editor

Map Editor can now place tiles on different layers of the map. Both the map and the tile palette are in scroll panes. Still needs some graphical tweaks for the buttons that switch the layers, and to change the a* to work on the blitted map instead of the old movieclip tiles. Next on the list is to make the tiles walkable/un-walkable by selection and to add weighting for the a*, and to add some marking so you know what tile you are painting with.

Currently the tiles that are being used can only be used for testing as they are from RPG Maker VX, and the tiles are missing shadows and some of the middle parts.  The Map Editor is able to have animated tiles as well, such as wavy grass, animated water, ect.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Today I begin full , well as full as I can having a full time job and a child, development of a Flash RPG AS3 Game Engine (  FRAG ). The game engine will allow people with limited AS3 coding ability to create role playing games similar to Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, and Chrono Trigger.  Currently I am working on getting the editors for the game engine done. So far most work has been on the Map Editor along with A* Star path finding. The maps the game engine uses is multi-layered, tile based, but will be able to use non-tiling parts as well.